martes, 11 de febrero de 2025

1st Workshop on Evaluation of Qualitative Aspects of Intelligent Software Assistants (EQUISA)

1st Workshop on Evaluation of Qualitative Aspects

of Intelligent Software Assistants (EQUISA)

- Call for Papers -

Co-located with EASE 2025

June 17–20, 2025, Istanbul, Turkey

Important Dates

  • Submission deadline: March 16th, 2025.
  • Notification to authors: April 13th, 2025.
  • Camera-ready due: April 26th, 2025.
  • Early registration deadline for authors: May 5th, 2025.
  • Workshop date: 20th June 2025.

domingo, 1 de diciembre de 2024

En defensa de la Universidad Pública

Resulta curioso, cuando menos, que en la época en la que yo me disponía a terminar mi grado en Ingeniería Informática, en torno a 2004, había verdaderos palos entre los numerosos aspirantes que competían por obtener una de las plazas que les permitiera quedarse en la Universidad Pública.

En aquel momento me dije, 'Esto no es para mí, no quiero más peleas, he tenido suficiente con terminar mi grado'. Así que, adelante, a trabajar en empresa.

sábado, 30 de noviembre de 2024

Concerning suicide

Suicidal behaviors are only reproduced after much suffering by the people who end up committing this misfortune. These people are victims of a social massacre. This suffering they undergo is developed by factors that access the interior of these people from the outside; that is to say, they are external factors to them. These external factors can include societal pressures, discrimination, and lack of support systems. Suicide is not part of human nature.