sábado, 30 de noviembre de 2024

Concerning suicide

Suicidal behaviors are only reproduced after much suffering by the people who end up committing this misfortune. These people are victims of a social massacre. This suffering they undergo is developed by factors that access the interior of these people from the outside; that is to say, they are external factors to them. These external factors can include societal pressures, discrimination, and lack of support systems. Suicide is not part of human nature.

"The Drunkard's Progress"
Often, people suffering from these conditions are not in the right environment and are physically and psychologically abused by others who do not know how to or do not want to express their own suffering in other ways.

When these people are victims of these miserable attacks by others for a prolonged period, they are forced to seek escape routes. These can manifest themselves in the consumption of drugs, whether physical, in the form of stimulant substances, or psychic, that is, unhealthy sex, violence in the form of fights and aggression, whether verbal or physical, an improper use of social networks, and other psychic stimulants. These 'escape routes' usually lead to addiction, mental illness, and later death.

Cobain with Nirvana
In order to reduce this social massacre, which in recent years has only been on the rise, we need more education, more civility, more respect. If there is no education, if we do not re-learn to live together and respect each other, if we do not re-learn to accept each other as we are, including all of us, to respect the young, to respect the old, to respect the most vulnerable people, nothing is left to us.

Life is much more beautiful than we usually think...
Forgive us, Lord, we are only men and women 🙏

Happy Advent 2024 🌟💫

Why? - Fleetwood Mac

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